Ashitaba has also been used as a treatment for the following disorders : GI tract disorders : ( acute gastritis , chronic gastritius, chlorhydria , stomach cancer, duodenal ulcer, descensus ventriculi, gastric atonia and chronic enteritis ) chronic hepatitis, cell reproduction, blood cleansing, high blood pressure, carcinoma, vascular augmentation, anemia, chronic fatique syndrome, hangover, asthma, common colds, production of sperm, diabetes, shoulder stiffness, constipation, edema, Neurosis, Hemorrhoids, mastitis, and Aging of skin.

Benefit Of Curcuma

Temulawak or Curcuma xanthorrhiza is a herbal plant that belongs to the gathering tribe

group, namely plants whose roots and stems are fused in the soil. Generally used for kitchen spices and processed as an additional food flavoring.

Curcuma has a variety of good nutritional content such as starch, curcumin, essential oils, phleandren, protein, camphor, fiber, glucosides, antioxidants, turmerol, borneol, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, and many others.

Curcuma is known as one of the important ingredients in traditional herbal medicine. Herbal plants that are often found in Indonesia have many benefits, both for body health and beauty.

The following is a list of the benefits of temulawak for health and beauty, as well as for improving digestion, preventing cancer and overcoming acne.

Contents Of Curcuma

  •  1,52% protein
  •  1,35% lemak
  •  0,80% serat
  • 79,96% karbohidrat
  •  15 ppm kurkumin
  •  11,45 ppm kalium
  •  6,38 ppm natrium
  •  19,07 ppm kalsium
  •  12,72 ppm magnesium
  •  6,38 ppm zat besi
  •  0,82 ppm mangan
Benefit Of Curcuma For Health
  • Streamlining the Digestive Process
The high fiber content of curcumin in ginger can help facilitate the digestive process. The benefits of curcuma on this one are suitable for those of you who have difficulty defecating. can also be overcome with Curcuma.

This quote is corroborated by Research in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The journal found that various health problems in the digestive tract such as flatulence, dyspepsia, and indigestion can be overcome by consuming Curcuma.

In addition, Curcuma can also stimulate the production of bile in the gallbladder. Which can help digestion and metabolism of food in the body.
  • Increase Endurance
One of the benefits of the well-known Curcuma is that it can improve our immune system and avoid various diseases. This is because the curcumin content in Curcuma is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory itself serves to strengthen immunity and endurance.
  • As Anti-Bacterial and Antifungal
One of the causes of infectious diseases is bacteria. The presence of xanthorrhizol compounds in Curcuma is quite effective in eradicating Staphylococcus and Salmonella types of bacteria. This is in line with the statement in the Unila Medical Journal about the benefits of Curcuma. The journal found that the ethanol extract of Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) has various benefits, one of which is as an antimicrobial. This is because Curcuma contains curcumin compounds and essential oils that can inhibit and kill bacterial growth.

  • Prevent Cancer
The high antioxidant content in Curcuma is able to shrink cancer cells and prevent the formation of cancer. Anti-inflammatory compounds such as curcumin may play a role in the treatment and prevention of various types of cancer, including colorectal, pancreatic, prostate, breast, and stomach cancer.

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