Ashitaba has also been used as a treatment for the following disorders : GI tract disorders : ( acute gastritis , chronic gastritius, chlorhydria , stomach cancer, duodenal ulcer, descensus ventriculi, gastric atonia and chronic enteritis ) chronic hepatitis, cell reproduction, blood cleansing, high blood pressure, carcinoma, vascular augmentation, anemia, chronic fatique syndrome, hangover, asthma, common colds, production of sperm, diabetes, shoulder stiffness, constipation, edema, Neurosis, Hemorrhoids, mastitis, and Aging of skin.

Benefits Of Tamarind

Tamarind is included in leguminous plants because the fruit is similar to peas. Tamarind fruit

tastes sour and slightly sweet when ripe. Part of the fruit can be eaten raw or processed.In Indonesia on the island of Java, tamarind is used as a spice, herbs, and cooking spices. In some countries Tamarind can be processed into stews, sauces, and desserts. Tamarind or Tamarind contains vitamins, fiber, and sugar needed by the body. Tamarind has benefits and side effects if consumed in excess. Tamarind or also called by another name Tamarind is used as traditional medicine and therapy. The flesh of the fruit contains nutrients that can improve health. The benefits of tamarind for health such as preventing bone disease, increasing brain health, and containing high antioxidants.

Benefits of Tamarind 

For Diet 

Ripe Tamarind Fruit
Tamarind is useful for increasing immunity, protecting the liver, and preventing heart disease. Besides being good for health, tamarind is good for diet and weight loss. Tamarind contains fiber and is low in fat so it is very good for weight loss. Fiber content such as flavonoids and polyphenols can increase metabolism which serves to lose weight. , fiber can suppress hunger so that it can reduce the desire to continue to eat. Another benefit of tamarind is to launch a bowel movement. Tamarind contains hydroxycitric acid which is useful for reducing appetite and inhibiting the amylase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for converting carbohydrates into fat.

For dental health 

Tamarind leaves contain ethanol and chlorine which can kill bacteria. Bacteria such as Streptococcus and Lactobacillus cause cavities in the teeth can be reduced if you consume tamarind.

For Digestive Health 

Tamarind is also useful as a natural laxative. Tamarind contains fiber that is needed by the intestines to dissolve and facilitate the digestive process. The content of this fruit can stimulate the activity of bile and bile acids for the absorption of fat and vitamins that are soluble in the intestine. From research conducted by Food Chemistry, found that soluble protein and amino acids contained in tamarind can help the digestive process by the intestines. If you experience constipation or difficulty defecating, you can consume tamarind. Tamarind contains fiber which can prevent constipation or difficult bowel movements.

For Heart Health 

From the research journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, tamarind can help lower LDL cholesterol levels. The fiber in this fruit can help shed bad cholesterol levels from blood vessels and arteries. Quoting from organic research, in 2013, tamarind can clean bad cholesterol, suppress triglycerides, and inhibit cholesterol.

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